A Knotch Above the Rest

aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion - 45 x45 Profile
Many of our aluminum profiles such as # 10-4545-0 come standard with centerline tap guide notches,  Self tapping ends for M8 thread and standardized T-slot size. 

Centerline Tap Guide Nothes

aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion - Guide Line

Centerline Tap Guide Notches makes fabrication easier and more precise by providing a centered starting point for drilling.  It helps prevent misalignment and slipping of your drill bit so you end up with a sturdier, more professional looking frame.

Self Tapping Ends

aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion - Self Tapping Ends

Self tapping ends save you time because you do not have to drill, tap or mill the end of the profile to make an M8 threaded connection.

Standardized T-Slot Size

aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion - T-Slot

T-slots are a standardized size so its easier to find and use connections and hardware throughout the project. 

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Engineered Solutions

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aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion 45 x 45
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Our online catalog has hundreds of parts to choose from.  Whether you’re looking for parts to add on and customize or looking for replacement parts, our online catalog has a multitude of items to choose from.

aluminum profile T-Slot Extrusion - 45 x 45 Profile Icon
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Our focused and innovative product groups provide our customers with additional value by cutting installation, ordering and/or design time.  

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